Executive Leadership
Our Organization Chart
같은 마음, 같은 생각으로
효율적이고 유연한 팀워크
We are totally committed to building long lasting relationships by always honoring our commitments and staying honest in all our dealings. Our team takes on each project with dedication, commitment and utmost attention to every detail. We keep our promises, complete projects on time and make it our goal to exceed all expectations.
Senior Management
Our senior management team supports the executive leadership and oversees the critical functions of the business.
Department Heads
They ensure that the company’s strategic objectives are translated into actionable plans within their respective areas.

Chief Executive Officer
Jeongseok Chae
Jeongseok founded JSN Holdings in 2021 with a vision to transform the energy industry. With many of experience in technology and business management, Jeongseok has led the company to become a leader in innovation and customer satisfaction. His strategic insights and leadership have been pivotal in driving the company’s growth.

Chief Operating Officer
Minkyung Seong
Minkyung has founded JSN Holdings in 2021, bringing with her a wealth of experience in operations and management. She has been instrumental in streamlining our business processes and ensuring operational efficiency. Her leadership has greatly enhanced our productivity and service delivery.

Huntae Lim
Marketing Representative | info@jsnholdings.co.kr

Jays Shin
Marketing Director | info@jsnholdings.co.kr

Janghye Lee
Managing Director | info@jsnholdings.co.kr

Taesoo Kim
Director | info@jsnholdings.co.kr

Jinsoon Moon
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) | chae8880@naver.com

Susik Nam
Director | info@jsnholdings.co.kr

Jaeyep Kim
Director | info@jsnholdings.co.kr

당신의 자신감을
제이에스앤홀딩스는 미래의 혁신을 주도하는 기업의 성장을 위해 팀원들과 함께 이해와 소통을 소중하게 생각하며, 미래 혁신과 성장동력의 발굴 및 육성을 통해 행복을 추구해 나아가는 그룹입니다.
JSN Holdings is an expert group that values mutual understanding and communication with team members with a mind to constantly strive and learn for the growth of companies that lead future innovation, and pursues happiness by discovering and fostering future innovation and growth engines.